
K-Supply Accessories

Our accessories section of the K-Supply range makes it easier for printers everywhere to create jobs that fulfill their customers’ printing needs.

Our portfolio is broad, with a wide variety of products to print and perfect jobs.

Eco Facts

K-Supply H-UV Lamps
Used lamps are recycled to recover the mercury and the quartz glass can be ground and used on special road surfaces (high friction). The packaging materials meet the customers requirements and environmental objectives.
K-Supply Biwa-Ko
The product is aimed at helping the Komori customers reduce waste and raw material. The liners reduce rags and solvent usage and obviously save time. The sliptip wash up blade saves Rags solvent and time, the manufacturing process is more cost effective and the waste when changing the blade is a lot less, especially for the metal rubber type blades where a large piece of metal is thrown away. Whilst being produced the main focus is on minimizing waste and storage. 

Downloads Accessories Leaflets

Leaflet Apressia Knives English
Leaflet Anti Set-off Spray Powder  English
Leaflet Bearing Grease English
Leaflet Biwa-Ko Easy Wash English
Leaflet DigiNip2 English
Leaflet DigiNip2 Operating Manual English
Leaflet Fluid Grease English
Leaflet Fluid Grease H1 English
Leaflet High Temperature Spray Oil H1 UV Resistant English


Downloads Accessories Leaflets

Leaflet H-UV Lamp


Leaflet H-UV Lamp


Leaflet Mineral Adhesive Chain Oil  English
Leaflet Mineral Gear Oil  English
Leaflet Paraffin Chain Oil H1 English
Leaflet Mineral Gear Oil for GL837P English
Leaflet Paraffin Gear Oil H1 English
Leaflet Polymer Blade English


Hans Hauben Print Process Support Specialist
“I am here to help with possible questions you could have regarding the K-Supply products. Please get in touch, so we can provide you with all the answers you need.”

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